Ten Small Business Support Organisations You Need To Know

1) Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC)

The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) was established in April 2001 as the lead support agency to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector (MSMEs) in Jamaica.


2) Small Business Association of Jamaica (SBAJ)

A business organization focused on membership of small business operators, main objective is to foster the growth of small business.


3) Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO)

JAMPRO works closely with local entrepreneurs seeking to tap into investment and trade opportunities in Jamaica. JAMPRO guides business owners through the necessary processes and offers support in partnership with key government agencies and ministries. Local businesses can depend on JAMPRO for a range of technical and advisory support mainly for export readiness and competitiveness.

Specific services include: Market Intelligence Sharing, Market Penetration, Business Approvals Facilitation, Business Matchmaking, Business Advocacy, Targeted Business Development Support and Business Facilitation.


4) National Development Foundation of Jamaica (NDFJ)

The NDFJ was established in 1981 as a non-profit organization, to develop and promote entrepreneurship in Jamaica. This is done by means of credit, financing, training and a wide range of market-driven support services to micro and small business enterprises involved in manufacturing, services and agriculture.

5) Ministry of Industry Commerce Agriculture & Fisheries – MSME Division

The MSME Resources Search Tool provides entrepreneurs of Jamaican micro, small and medium enterprises a digital resource to access up-to-date information on initiatives, programmes and services available to them through various entities who focus on the growth and development of the MSME.

Inside users will find relevant initiatives, programmes and services from both private and public sectors


6) MSME Alliance

Small business owners can access training and other support services under a partnership between the National Development Foundation of Jamaica (NDFJ) and the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Alliance. The NDFJ and MSME Alliance will, initially, offer training courses and workshops as well as back-office support to small businesses. Other business support services are expected to be offered over the life of the partnership for 3 years beginning June 2017

7) Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ)

A voluntary national organization of some 330 private sector associations, companies and individuals that are working together to promote a healthy and productive private sector.


Entrepreneurship Education and Training

8) Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship – Caribbean

Based in Montego Bay, the centre’s mission is to offer practical business skills, access to coaches to offer guidance, mentors to share their experiences, professional services to build strong businesses, exposure to networks, finance and investment opportunities.


Grant Financing

9) Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ)

DBJ’s mission is to assist in the development and modernization of all viable enterprises in industry, agriculture, agro-industry, manufacturing, information processing, mining, tourism and the services sectors with special emphasis on the provision of loan financing to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.



10) Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ)

Tax Administration Jamaica is the country’s premiere revenue collecting agency. The TAJ in tax season helps hundreds of small business and self-employed persons to register and file their taxes online. This kind of support is offered across the island through TAJ’s annual Special Taxpayer Assistance Programme (STAP), which is seasonal. The free sessions are designed to assist business owners and self-employed individuals with a gross annual income of less than $5M, to prepare their Income Tax Returns which become due on March 15 each year.

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By Content Administrator

Created the WordPress site and manages user accounts. System Administrator has gathered years of experience in tech from the Finance Industry.

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