FGB’s Banker’s Guarantee is a written undertaking in which we agree to make stipulated payments on your behalf should you fail to fulfil or carry out specified terms of a contract.
Features & Benefits
- Allows you to supplement your cash flow through an undertaking by the bank.
- FGB will make monetary compensation to your creditors, on your behalf.
- This facility is ideal for businesses that have suppliers and/or contractors.
- Enables you to bid for contracts which call for guarantees and to buy fixed property where a guarantee is usually a prerequisite
- Improved cash flow
- Widely accepted, giving recipients more confidence in your company’s financial credibility
- Frees your funds to pursue other business opportunities
Please note Rates, Terms and Conditions are subject to change. Give us a call at 888-CALL-FGB (225-5342) or send us an email at fgbcorp@gkco.com to learn about these and other loans designed to assist you achieve your business goals.